The perfect introduction for secondary Religious Education covering the whole sweep of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Cover to cover through Mark’s Gospel examining Jesus’ purpose and identity.
The incredible life offered through the lens of Jesus’ teaching at the Sermon on the Mount.
Music and poetry as timeless worship of the God of the universe.
A questioning, challenging and apologetic look at the big questions of life and the claims of the Christian faith.
Making sense of the supernatural, evil, life after death, in light of the ultimate power of God.
The age-old struggle of humanity and suffering in the light of the comfort of Christ.
Growth, conflicts, major figures and events of the church from Acts onwards and their impact on the present day.
6 timeless themes from Ephesians that promise the most fulfilling life possible.
Systematic study of the major ethical frameworks— contains multiple case studies.
Reviews and critiques every theory (including all the major alternatives to the traditional biblical view) of the physical resurrection of Jesus and the implications of each.
Explores how different ‘being human’ looks when we put God, rather than ourselves, at the centre.
Explores the beginnings, history, central beliefs and famous followers of the world’s 5 biggest faiths.
Genesis 1–11: Creation to Babel. The Bible’s confusing, challenging yet hope-filled foundational opening.
Shows how the entire Bible is fulfilled through the execution of a Jewish rabbi on a hill outside Jerusalem.
Explores the breath hovering over the waters, the presence of God, the promised counsellor of Christ.
10 visions of life and truth as seen through the lenses of the dominant world views of our age.
Explores forgiveness, compassion, and whether it is possible to change one’s world view through the true story of Christian doctor and martyr, Graham Staines.