1 Corinthians: A Letter of Love

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1 Corinthians: A Letter of Love
Paul Barnett

The church in Corinth was a church dividing. Serious theological issues, combined with a lack of godly love among its people, threatened the purpose and existence of the church in Corinth.


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Product Code: 5295

ISBN: 978-1-925879-98-8

Format: Paperback

Pages: 222

Released: Apr 1, 2022

Publisher/Imprint: Aquila Press

The church in Corinth was a church dividing. Serious theological issues, combined with a lack of godly love among its people, threatened the purpose and existence of the church in Corinth. The Apostle Paul, their ‘father’, sent 1 Corinthians in response. This strong letter, filled with challenging passages for its readers then and now, encourages all to be unified under the teaching of Christ and his example of love—a message achingly relevant today. In this insightful commentary, Paul Barnett embarks on a deep exploration of Paul’s teaching, revealing that this letter convicts but also refreshes its readers.


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Paul Barnett, former Anglican Bishop of North Sydney, Australia, is an honorary Associate in Ancient History at Macquarie University, Teaching Fellow at Regent College, Vancouver and Emeritus Lecturer at Moore College. Paul is the Series Editor of the Reading the Bible Today series, as well the author of many books, including A Short Book About Jesus: The Man from Heaven and Paul: A Pastor’s Heart. He is a frequent traveller to Israel, where Christianity began, and to Turkey and Greece, to which it rapidly spread.

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