Bible Events Playing cards

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Bible Events Playing cards
Playing Cards

These 32 Bible Events Playing Cards give a clear and simple overview of the major events in the Bible.


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Product Code: 2994

ISBN: 008-0-687440-37-5

Format: Playing Cards

Released: Dec 31, 2014

Publisher/Imprint: CEP

Weight: 0.17kg

These 32 Bible Events Playing Cards are ideal for teaching the significant events and characters from the Bible’s timeline. Spanning God’s creation of the world to Jesus’ second coming, these are an excellent resource for children’s and youth ministry. Use as a game, a teaching tool or for your own personal reflection. These cards are a great way to strengthen your knowledge and understanding of God’s word.

Each pack also contains one card ordering the events.

Bible Events Playing cards: Teaching ideas and games

The images on the cards are a great aid to memory. You will find that the last card in the pack contains the correct order of the cards so be sure to hold on to that one during the activities. Below is a list of teaching ideas that will help you to use the cards effectively.

  • You may like start by giving out several cards and asking your group (of children and/or adults!) to have a try at placing them down in chronological order. Depending on the age and knowledge of your group, you may hand out more or less cards. Use the card summaries at the end of this guide to help you give hints and Bible references to your group members as they aim to order the playing cards correctly.
  • Ask a group member to choose a card and recall the Bible book and chapter(s) the card refers to. Another group member could then give a summary of the Bible event.
  • Place group members in pairs and ask each pair to place each card in one of the following three categories: Preparing for Jesus, Presenting Jesus, Pursuing a life of following Jesus (see the card summaries at the end of this guide for answers). Ask each pair to choose a card and explain to the rest of the group how the event points to Jesus.
  • If you have enough packs of cards to give one pack to each group member: 
    • members can play Snap whereby each person has a turn at placing down a card, and the first person to put their hand down on the pile when there is a double says ‘Snap!’ The winner is the one at the end with the most doubles.
    • divide the group into pairs and ask each pair to combine their two packs of cards into one. Then ask one member to take the cards and remove one card, then deal the cards between the two members. One member will have more cards than the other. Then each member looks at the cards they have and removes any doubles from their hand. Members take turns choosing a card from each other’s hand and removing pairs that are made. The goal is to avoid being left with the remaining card—whoever matches all their cards into pairs wins the game. This can also be played with a larger group.
  • Create coloured paper symbols which reflect one of the themes of the Bible. For example, a crown to reflect kings and Jesus’ kingship, rescue or life rings to reflect God’s saving of his people, handshakes to reflect God’s promises, and so on. Then lay out the cards and ask members to place symbols on each card to reflect where these themes are displayed in the Bible.
  • Divide the cards into groups based on themes or parts of the Bible. For example, all events from Genesis 1‒11 might have one colour, those for the rest of Genesis, another, and so on. Make sure there are at least four cards for each colour. Place one spoon in the centre for all but one of the members. Shuffle the cards and deal them out so that each member has four cards. The remainder should go into a pile in front of the dealer. The aim of the game for each member is to have four of a kind. To start the game, the dealer picks up one card from the pile and discards another, placing it down on their left side. The member beside them must pick up the discarded card and discard another on their left side. This continues around the circle until one member had four of a kind in their hand. They yell ‘Spoons!’ and everyone has to try to pick up a spoon. The person without a spoon must explain to the group how they think the four events on the four winning cards are linked. This game works best in groups of three or more.
  • Divide the group into teams of two or four. Number the cards in chronological order using small sticky labels. One member deals seven cards to each member of the group, and places the remaining cards in a ‘stock’ pile in the centre. As the game progresses there will also be a pile for discarded cards. At each turn, each member must pick up a card, either from the stock pile or discard pile. They must also put down at least one card in front of them. Each member’s goal is to get rid of the cards in their hand, and to make as many groups of cards in front of them as possible. Their aim is get a consecutive run of three numbers, for example, cards 4, 5 and 6. They may then add to this by numbers that follow consecutively, for example, cards 3 or 7 could be added to this group, and so on. At the end, the winner explains the events on the cards, and how they flow together.
  • Divide players into groups and allow one pack of Bible Events Playing Cards for each player, combined into one deck. Before the game, put sticky labels on the cards, indicating their function or number. Allocate the following functions to the following cards, which represent the themes in brackets:
    • Skip (God’s judgement/punishment): Sin, Forty years, Exile
    • Draw two cards (Sin): Tower of Babel, Disobedience, Mount Sinai
    • Reverse (God’s redeeming actions): Noah’s Ark, Leaving Egypt, Rebuilding
    • Wild card (God changes everything through Jesus): Jesus is born, Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus returns
    • Put the rest of the cards in chronological order and number them in two lots of 1 to 10.

To play the game, each player receives six cards, with the remaining cards put on a pile in the middle, face down. The top of these cards is turned over to begin. The member who has dealt the cards begins the game. At each turn, a member must either play a card or take a card from the pile. To play a card, a player must put down either the same number or the consecutive number above or below the card in play. For example, if a ‘6’ card is in play, a player may put down a 6, 5 or 7 card. They may also play a Skip, Draw two cards, Reverse or Wild card. Skip means the turn will skip the next member to play, Draw two cards means the next player draws two cards as their turn, Reverse means the sequence of play reverses, and Wild card can be used to represent any card. The next member plays according to the card beneath the Wild card. The aim of the game is for members to get rid of all their cards. When a member gets down to one card they yell ‘Jesus saves’. They must do this straightaway in order to play their last card. The first member to play all their cards wins. At the end of the game, members could explain what the Skip, Reverse, Draw Two, and Wild Cards have in common. They could also lay out the numbered cards in order to make a timeline, and try to fit the themed cards into the right spots in the timeline.

Preparing for Jesus: Cards 1–24

Card 1: Creation Genesis 1–2

God is the creator of our world. The world exists in all its diversity, beauty and complexity by his word and design. In its original state the creation was perfect. People were created in God’s image and given the task of caring for creation.

Card 2: Sin Genesis 3

People rebelled against God. They disobeyed God’s word and listened instead to the

temptation of Satan. The effect of this rebellion was earth-shattering—the relationship with God was broken, relationships between people were spoiled, the task of caring for creation became difficult and dangerous.

Card 3: Noah Genesis 6–9

The effects of sin grew and people lived in rebellion against God and his ways. In light of this rebellion, God’s holiness required justice. God sent a flood. God’s mercy was shown in the rescue of Noah and his family. God promised never again to destroy the earth by flood.

Card 4: Tower of Babel Genesis 11

Sin continued to show itself in rebellion against God. People combined their efforts to act in pride and disobedience. God acted to judge and confuse the languages of people. The problem of sin remained.

Card 5: Abraham Genesis 12–25

God called one man to follow and obey him. God made promises to Abraham: land, descendants so great they would be a nation, and blessings to him and through him to the whole world. Abraham trusted God and obeyed his call.

Card 6: Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 18–19

God acted in judgement against ongoing sin and rebellion. He also acted to save. Lot and his family escaped judgement.

Card 7: Isaac is born Genesis 21

The long-awaited promised son was born to Abraham and Sarah when it seemed impossible. 

Card 8: Abraham’s tough choice Genesis 22

God tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obeyed this most difficult command. God provided the sacrifice and Isaac was spared. Abraham showed his faith in God. 

Card 9: Joseph—slave Genesis 37–40

Joseph, a descendant of Abraham, was sold by his jealous brothers into slavery in Egypt. 

Card 10: Joseph—governor Genesis 41

Joseph became governor of Egypt in a miraculous way. As governor he was able to offer protection to Abraham’s descendants when there was a famine. The whole family came to live in Egypt. 

Card 11: Moses Exodus 2–12

After 400 years, the Hebrews had grown to the size of a nation. The Hebrews still lived in Egypt, but now were slaves. God sent Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. God did amazing things to show he was in control.

Card 12: Leaving Egypt Exodus 12–14

God’s people left Egypt and escaped through the Red Sea. Pharaoh’s army was destroyed. 

Card 13: God provides Exodus 15–18

God provided for his people in the wilderness. He sent manna and quail to eat, and water when they needed it. He showed his care for them and his control over creation.

Card 14: Mount Sinai Exodus 19

God showed his might and power at Mount Sinai. He told his people how to live his way to show they were thankful for being rescued by him. God gave his people laws to guide them in loving him and their neighbours. 

Card 15: Forty years Numbers 14

God’s people came to the Promised Land but they did not trust him to help them. They rebelled against God and would not listen to Moses. God sent them to live in the wilderness for forty years. 

Card 16: Promised Land Joshua 3–5

God’s people followed Joshua and trusted God to help them live in the Promised Land. The walls of Jericho fell. They began to live in the Promised Land. 

Card 17: Gideon Judges 6–8

God’s people forgot to live his way. They rebelled against his laws. God punished them and let their enemies defeat them. They prayed, asking God to rescue them from their enemies. God sent leaders like Gideon to lead his people and save them. 

Card 18: David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17

God chose David to be king. David trusted God and he fought Goliath on behalf of God’s people.

David became a great king and a strong leader. God promised David that a descendant of his would be king forever. David made some mistakes but God forgave him. 

Card 19: Solomon 1 Kings 1–11

Solomon was David’s son and became the next king. He asked God for wisdom to rule well. Solomon organised for a great temple and palace to be built. Solomon forgot about God’s ways and worshipped other gods. 

Card 20: The Prophets 1 Kings–2 Kings

God sent messengers called prophets to tell people his word. The prophets reminded people to obey God’s laws and love God. The prophets told people God would punish them for their disobedience. The prophets also told people about God’s promises of what he would do in the future. God’s people kept sinning and disobeying him. 

Card 21: Exile 2 Kings

God punished his people for their ongoing disobedience. He sent them out of the Promised Land. They were taken as slaves to another land. The city of Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed. 

Card 22: Rebuilding Ezra, Nehemiah

After many years, God brought his people back to their land. God sent leaders like Nehemiah and Ezra to help the people rebuild and learn to live God’s way again. 

Card 23: Disobedience Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

God’s people still had trouble with sin. They did not live God’s way. They did not worship God the way they should have. They did not care for one another. God’s prophets told the people to obey God. The prophets also told about a King who would come to help people love and worship God.

Card 24: Waiting … Between Old and New Testament

A long time passed. God’s people waited for him to keep his promise to send a King who would lead them and help them love and worship God. 

Presenting Jesus: Cards 25–27

Card 25: Jesus is born Matthew 1–2; Luke 1–2

Jesus was born to be the promised King and also the one who would save people from their sin. Jesus grew up and lived a perfect life obeying God and loving him.

Card 26: Jesus teaches Gospels

Jesus taught people about God. He showed amazing power by healing people, casting out evil spirits and controlling nature. He told people about God’s kingdom and said he was the promised King who could help them be friends with God. Many people believed in Jesus, but many others hated him and his message. 

Card 27: Jesus’ death & resurrection Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16;Luke 23–24; John 19–20

Jesus was put to death on a cross even though he did nothing wrong. When he died he took the punishment for the sin of his people. God brought Jesus back to life. Many people saw Jesus alive. Jesus returned to heaven to be with God. Jesus rules over the world, but many people still rebel against him. 

Pursuing a life of following Jesus: Cards 28–32

Card 28: Coming of the Holy Spirit Acts 2

Just as Jesus promised, he sent his Spirit to be with his people. The Holy Spirit helps people tell others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit also helps Christians live God’s way. 

Card 29: Paul Acts 8–28

Paul took the message about Jesus to many different countries. Paul helped people start churches and taught them about God’s way. He wrote many letters which we can still read today in our Bibles. 

Card 30: The Church spreads Acts, Epistles

More and more people became Christians. The church grew and grew until it was in many places. Christians kept telling others about Jesus and looking after one another. Many Christians were treated badly for believing in Jesus. This did not stop them following Jesus. 

Card 31: And spreads

The church is still growing today. Christians travel all over the world telling others about Jesus. They also help those who are sick, hungry or in trouble. 

Card 32: Jesus returns Many New Testament references

(See Acts 1:11; Colossians 3:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–4; 2 Timothy 4:8; Hebrews 9:28; Revelation 1:7)

Christians are waiting for the day when Jesus will return. He promised to return as King and make everything right. When he comes back, everyone will know he is Lord of all. There will be a new creation with no more sin and rebellion, no more sadness and trouble, and no more sickness and pain. 

If you use these cards in other ways and would like to share your ideas, then please email and we’ll add them here.


GPS—God’s Plan for Salvation by Alan Chapple

According to Plan by Graeme Goldsworthy

Days Are Coming by Mark Strom (Republished as Symphony of Scripture IVP)

Know the Truth by Bruce Milne

Concise Theology by James Packer 

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